The last two days in kindergarten we have been really busy with Jolly Phonics, handwriting, math and fun fall activities. Here are some things we have done the last two days:
In Jolly Phonics yesterday, we learned the sound the digraph "th" makes. It was a "tricky" one because the two letters together make two different sounds. My kindergarten friends did great learning the "new" sound and transferring what they learned into reading and writing some "th" words on their own. Today, we had a Jolly Phonics review day where they did two different activities to practice the last 6 sounds we learned. One was a sound sort and the other was spelling C-V-C (consonant-vowel- consonant) words with the sounds we have already learned through Jolly Phonics. I was SO impressed with how well all my kinder friends completed both activities on their own! I was especially proud of how great they did sounding out the picture words and hearing all the sounds to write the words themselves! They did amazing! Way to go, K-1 and K-3!
In math, we have been learning and practicing the concept of more than and less than. With each activity we do, I can see they have become experts in this newly learned concept.
Today, we took a break from the curriculum and we did a directed draw scarecrow project. My kinder friends were so excited about doing this activity and they did a great job following my step-by-step directions into making their own. It was so fun to see how everyone's scarecrows turned out when given the same directions. Each one turned out different and reflected each learner's personality. Both classes couldn't wait to bring their scarecrows home and share them with their families. They did a great job!
It was a fun week in K-1 and K-3! I am truly amazed with all they are learning! They are ALL doing great! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!