K-1 and K-3

K-1 and K-3

Monday, May 17, 2021

 The class is LOVING our symmetry unit in math. They have been doing such a wonderful job showing me their understanding of symmetry by completing given pictures with adding drawn details so both sides are symmetrical and coloring it with symmetrical colors. Great job, K-1 and K-3!

We have also been doing a lot of reading and writing activities as well that is helping my kindergarten friends grow as strong readers and writers. They are doing a wonderful job and I couldn't be more proud of them! Yay, K-1 and K-3!

Thursday, May 13, 2021

 In math this week, we have been learning about symmetry. Both classes are loving the activities we have been doing to learn this "new" concept and I have been amazed with how quickly they learned it! Way to go, K-1 and K-3!

For one activity, I assigned them each a partner and they were given a "partner symmetry" mat and some patterned blocks. They worked together to decide who was going to go first and that person would create a design on the left side of the symmetry line on the mat. Then their partner needed to create the exact same pattern on the mat on the right side to see if they matched and were symmetrical. They took turns making symmetrical designs so that each friend had turns making a design and also copying one their partner made. They had so much fun doing this activity today and I LOVED seeing all the creative designs the classes made! 

For the other activity, there were two drawings that were half drawn. One was a tree and the other was an owl. We worked together as a class and we learned how to draw the missing half on the paper so the tree and the owl were symmetrical. This was "tricky" but I was amazed with how well they did on it! They LOVED it and they had so much fun adding more detail and color to their drawings when they were finished! My kindergarten friends amaze me everyday.....they have learned so much and they are LOVING learning "new" things each and every day!