I read the class a book today called, Pete the Cat-The Wheels on the Bus. The class LOVED reading this story and doing the motions that went along with each page as I read it out loud to them! When I was done reading it, we talked about how the book was different from the song "The Wheels On The Bus" that we all know from pre-school. They did a great job pointing out the differences along with some things that were the same too. Next we made a bus project to go along with it that was a "listen-and-do" activity. It is a project where I give them cut out pieces of construction paper and they listen to my step-by-step directions on how to put it together. I LOVE doing these projects with my kinders because it's fun to see how they all turn out with given the same directions. It is also fun to ask them questions as we make it to see their thought process. They all did AMAZING! They couldn't wait to bring them home today to show you. Here are some pictures of my kinder friends making their school buses today:
K-1 and K-3

Wednesday, September 8, 2021
When we came back in, we learned how to write the number 3 through our wet-dry-try method in our "Handwriting Without Tears" program. They did a great job learning how to make the number 3 the correct way and writing it themselves in their handwriting workbooks!
For the last part of our day, we learned the letter "Ee" in Jolly Phonics. We learned that the letter e makes the short e sound like in the words: elephant and egg. We listened to the song and the story and found things on the screen that began with the letter e or had the letter e sound within the word. I was amazed how quickly they found things that had the learned letter sound. Next, they did the letter "Ee" practice page in their Jolly Phonics workbooks. They did great tracing the letter "e" and finding things on the back that had the short e sound in them. For homework tonight, I asked them to find 4 things that begin or have the "Ee" sound in it. Remember the letter "Ee" sound makes the short e sound not the long e sound. I am looking forward to seeing all the things they find to add to their soundbooks tomorrow. It was another busy day in kindergarten and they are ALL doing wonderful!