K-1 and K-3

K-1 and K-3

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

 We have had a fun last three days in K-1 and K-3! In math we have been learning all about the numbers 5, 6, and 7. We learned how to write each number the correct way, it's value and how to show the number on a ten frame. We also learned all about ten frames too. 

Their favorite part of math today was playing a game called "snap!" To play this game, I assigned everyone with a partner. They set up the game pieces and got to talk with one another to decide who was going to go first. To play the game, they needed to turn over two cards just like memory and if the value of the cards matched they would say "snap" and they got to keep it. If the cards didn't match, they turned them back over and the next person went. They continued to play until they matched all the cards that were in the envelope. The person with the most matches was the winner. They LOVED playing this game and I was so impressed with how well they all played with their partner taking turns and following directions. Way to go, K-1 and K-3! Here are some pictures I took of both classes playing the game today:

In Jolly Phonics we have learned a few new letter sounds and with each one they are reading more and more words. This week we learned the letter sound and motion for the letters "Gg" and "Oo." Tomorrow they will be learning "Uu." I am amazed with how well they have learned the sounds and motions and how well they are applying what they learned when reading and writing words on their own. It is so fun to see! Each day they walk into the classroom, they are excited to find out what letter sound we are learning and what the motion is for it. 

In handwriting, we are continuing to learn how to write the numbers 1-10 with our Handwriting Without Tears program. They are doing a great job learning how to write the numbers from top to bottom and writing them slowly and neatly in their handwriting workbooks.

This week when we had LMC, we got to see something that doesn't happen too often. Our technology facilitator has a butterfly habitat that she puts caterpillars in and brings them to the LMC where they make cocoons. In the LMC the other day, there were four cocoons on the top of the habitat. Two butterflies were coming out of their cocoons when we were in the library for LMC. We got to see one come all the way out of their cocoon. It was amazing! We were in awe of this amazing experience. Here are some pictures I took of the excitement as we witnessed it.

With all this wonderful learning we also took a well deserved "brain break" everyday too and enjoyed the beautiful weather we have had this week! 

Friday, September 16, 2022

 It was such a fun Friday in K-1 and K-3! We started our day today with "High Five Friday" where we got to walk through a tunnel by the front entrance that was made with the Hersey band, football players, and cheerleaders, and police officers! My kindergarten friends were so excited and had so much fun walking through the tunnel and giving everyone high-fives!

To go along with Fun Friday, we did a fun project in the classroom today. I wrote everyone's names on a big grey rectangular shaped paper. They got to trace the letters of their name with glue and put on small pieces of cut out colored construction paper to make their names colorful. They loved doing this project and had so much fun picking out colors to make their name stand out in a colorful way! 

When they finished doing their names, they had the opportunity to create fun things with their classmates out of Bristle Blocks, Magna-Tiles, and these flower shaped blocks we just got. They all had so much fun working together to create some really cool things! I was so impressed with all the things they made and I loved how nicely they were all working together to create things!

In Jolly Phonics we learned the letter name, sound, and motion for the letter "Dd." They were excited to learn what the motion was for the letter "Dd" and had fun showing me what they learned in their Jolly Phonics packets. This weekend, they will need to find four things that begin with the letter "Dd" and add them to their soundbook. It should be something easy for them to do because just with our Jolly Phonics story today, they thought of 21 things that began with that letter. They did a fantastic job! 

Have a great weekend, everyone and enjoy this beautiful weather we are having! Thank you for sharing your amazing kiddos with me each and every day! They are learning so much and it is so fun for me to see!