In kindergarten today, we learned all about the number 5. We practiced counting groups of 5 and how to write the number 5 the correct way. In our math lesson today, my kinders LOVED the part where they got to create an animal that had 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 of something. It was so much fun to see all the imaginary things they made! There was a lot of smiles and giggles as they drew their animals! We also worked on writing the numbers 1 through 5 the correct way ensuring they were writing their numbers starting at the top and going to the bottom. Way to go, K-1 and K-3!
After our math lesson, I did a text talk today with the class where I read Edward The Emu. Both classes LOVED hearing the story and we talked about things good readers do along the way as I read it out loud to them. We also talked about the "tricky" words in the story that they may not knowing the meaning of such as: amusing, snarled, mimic, and snarled. They liked hearing the story about Edward and talking about the life lesson that the story taught us too. This book is about self-acceptance and being proud of the person you are. We talked about this message today and I think both classes took a lot of wonderful things away from hearing this cute story!
Besides math and and our text talk, the other parts of our day were filled with LMC (morning class) or gym and music (afternoon class). We had a WONDERFUL day in K-1 and K-3 today! They are growing as learners and I am so proud of all the growth they are making learning the routine, participating and building stamina in sitting for a group lesson. Way to go! Have a great night, everyone!