K-1 and K-3

K-1 and K-3

Thursday, November 10, 2022

 With tomorrow being Veteran's Day, I spent some time in class today teaching my kindergarten friends about what this holiday is and why it is so incredibly important to celebrate. They learned a lot about Veteran's Day from watching a Brainpop movie about it. After the movie we had a good discussion about what they learned and some friends in the class shared if they knew someone that is a Veteran in their family. Next, we made American flags out of construction paper. In order to make their flags, they needed to follow my step-by-step directions so that theirs turned out like mine. As we were making the flags, we learned that the strips represent the 14 colonies and the stars in the blue rectangle on the flag represent all 50 states. They were so proud of their flags and I was so proud of how much time and effort they put into making them. I am keeping them so that we can bring them to the assembly with us tomorrow but they will be bringing them home at the end of our school day.

Great job, K-1 friends!

Great job, K-3 friends!

After we learned about Veteran's Day, we took a well-deserved "brain break" and went outside for recess to enjoy this GORGEOUS day we are having today!  They had fun swinging on the swings, playing tag and playing with one another on the playground!

When we got back inside, we did a Jolly Phonics review sort to practice all the sounds we just finished learning. The sounds we practiced were: y, x, sh, ch, th. They did a WONDERFUL job on their sorts and I was so impressed with how quick they were to sort the pictures in the right place with the sound they heard within the word. Way to go, kindergarten friends! The th sound was tricky because it has two sounds and they needed to listen carefully to ensure they were gluing the pictures under the correct th sound. They did great! 

Have a wonderful day everyone and enjoy the beautiful weather we are having today! It was a fun day in K-1 and K-3!