We have been busy little owls and I am truly just amazed with all that my kindergarten friends are learning. WOW!!! They have really taken off in reading, writing and math! They are ALL doing amazing and I LOVE all the smiles, excitement and contagious energy they bring in the room each day! They LOVE learning and with that they have all just taken off running as learners! It is so exciting! Way to go, K-1 and K-3!
In math yesterday, we played domino war. They loved getting to play this game with a partner to see who would win each time they played. It was great practice with adding the two sides on the domino and then figuring out who had the domino with the greater number. The friend with the greater number got to keep the two dominos. When they played all their dominos, the one with the most was the winner. They had so much fun and I was so impressed with how well they worked together as partners!
Today, we made purple iris flowers out of construction paper. This project was a following directions activity where I had construction paper cut out in various shapes. They had to follow my step-by-step directions in how to cut each shape to turn it into another shape they would use for the project. They had SO much fun doing this activity and they were so excited to see them all hung up together in the hall! They are on display for all of Olive to enjoy! Way to go, kinders!
We also had so much fun practicing addition and subtraction on a ten frame. I was AMAZED with how well they did showing me the math problems on their ten frames all on their own. They are certainly become math experts! Wow!