K-1 and K-3

K-1 and K-3

Friday, November 6, 2020

 The last two days in kindergarten we have been really busy with Jolly Phonics, handwriting, math and fun fall activities. Here are some things we have done the last two days:

In Jolly Phonics yesterday, we learned the sound the digraph "th" makes. It was a "tricky" one because the two letters together make two different sounds. My kindergarten friends did great learning the "new" sound and transferring what they learned into reading and writing some "th" words on their own. Today, we had a Jolly Phonics review day where they did two different activities to practice the last 6 sounds we learned. One was a sound sort and the other was spelling C-V-C (consonant-vowel- consonant) words with the sounds we have already learned through Jolly Phonics. I was SO impressed with how well all my kinder friends completed both activities on their own! I was especially proud of how great they did sounding out the picture words and hearing all the sounds to write the words themselves! They did amazing! Way to go, K-1 and K-3!

In math, we have been learning and practicing the concept of more than and less than. With each activity we do, I can see they have become experts in this newly learned concept. 

Today, we took a break from the curriculum and we did a directed draw scarecrow project. My kinder friends were so excited about doing this activity and they did a great job following my step-by-step directions into making their own. It was so fun to see how everyone's scarecrows turned out when given the same directions. Each one turned out different and reflected each learner's personality. Both classes couldn't wait to bring their scarecrows home and share them with their families. They did a great job!

It was a fun week in K-1 and K-3! I am truly amazed with all they are learning! They are ALL doing great! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Yesterday, we learned the "ch" letter sound in Jolly Phonics. The motion for this sound is to pretend to be a steam train moving your arms like piston rods saying, ch, ch, ch. Both classes did wonderful learning this "new" digraph sound and applying what they learned into finding words that had this sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word. Yay, K-1 and K-3!

 In math, I did a lesson with both classes where they learned that fingers can represent a set of objects up to 5 and fingers and toes together can represent a set of objects up to 20. They LOVED showing me the teen numbers with using their feet and their fingers together to show me a given number! Math was filled with a lot of giggles and smiles! They thought it was so silly to use your toes for counting! 

For the last hour of our day in both classes, we had our Halloween party (A-K last names had their party on Thursday and L-Z had their party yesterday). Thank you to all the wonderful room parents for their planning and organizing! Both classes had SO much fun! I kept hearing, "Mrs. Naughten, this is the best day ever!" So cute! Here are some pictures from our Halloween fun in both classes:

It was a fun-filled week in K-1 and K-3! Remember that we don't have school Monday due to Institute Day and Tuesday due to Election Day. Happy Halloween everyone and have a great LONG weekend! 

Below is an important letter about the "Just Jump" fundraiser we are having at Olive from November 2-16th. We would LOVE everyone to participate! I sent it out in a class email last week so please check your email to learn more about it and the link to the "Just Jump" fundraiser.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

In Jolly Phonics today we learned the letter Yy and the sound it makes. The motion for this letter is to pretend you are eating yogurt from a spoon saying y, y, yogurt with each spoonful. They did such a great job learning the letter sound and applying what they learned into finding words that began with Yy. Great job, K-1 and K-3

For writing today, I read them the story called The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid Of Anything. They loved listening to this fun story as I read it out loud to them and chiming in to the repetitive parts of the story. It was fun acting out the parts of the story together! When I finished reading the book, I taught them a few things that good writers do such as:

-Begin a sentence with a capital letter.
-Put finger spaces between your words.
-Put punctuation at the end.
-Sound out the words you want to write by using your best "brave spelling."

Next, I asked them to write one sentence about something they are afraid of and draw a picture to go along with it. I also asked them to add detail to their picture and color it too. When they were done with their picture, the last thing I asked them to do was to label it. I was so impressed with how well they all wrote sentences on their own and labeled their picture with their "brave spelling." Way to go, K-1 and K-3!

In the morning class, I had a bit more time in our day because we didn't have gym and music like the afternoon class.  With this extra time, I did a reader's workshop lesson reading a book with the characters Charlie and Lola. We talked about different genres of books and we discussed what kind of books everyone in the class likes to read. We discovered that everyone likes to read all different kinds of books and how it's fun to read something we may not have originally thought we'd like to read. I told them to have an open mind while picking out books. They did a great job in reader's workshop today!

It was another fun day in K-1 and K-3! I'm looking forward to our fun Halloween parties tomorrow and Friday. Our Room parents did a great job planning a few fun crafts and games. Thank you to all who helped to plan and organize our parties! Have a great night, everyone!