In Jolly Phonics today we learned the letter Yy and the sound it makes. The motion for this letter is to pretend you are eating yogurt from a spoon saying y, y, yogurt with each spoonful. They did such a great job learning the letter sound and applying what they learned into finding words that began with Yy. Great job, K-1 and K-3
For writing today, I read them the story called The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid Of Anything. They loved listening to this fun story as I read it out loud to them and chiming in to the repetitive parts of the story. It was fun acting out the parts of the story together! When I finished reading the book, I taught them a few things that good writers do such as:
-Begin a sentence with a capital letter.
-Put finger spaces between your words.
-Put punctuation at the end.
-Sound out the words you want to write by using your best "brave spelling."
Next, I asked them to write one sentence about something they are afraid of and draw a picture to go along with it. I also asked them to add detail to their picture and color it too. When they were done with their picture, the last thing I asked them to do was to label it. I was so impressed with how well they all wrote sentences on their own and labeled their picture with their "brave spelling." Way to go, K-1 and K-3!
In the morning class, I had a bit more time in our day because we didn't have gym and music like the afternoon class. With this extra time, I did a reader's workshop lesson reading a book with the characters Charlie and Lola. We talked about different genres of books and we discussed what kind of books everyone in the class likes to read. We discovered that everyone likes to read all different kinds of books and how it's fun to read something we may not have originally thought we'd like to read. I told them to have an open mind while picking out books. They did a great job in reader's workshop today!
It was another fun day in K-1 and K-3! I'm looking forward to our fun Halloween parties tomorrow and Friday. Our Room parents did a great job planning a few fun crafts and games. Thank you to all who helped to plan and organize our parties! Have a great night, everyone!