Today we learned a "new" Jolly Phonics letter sound for the letter "Nn" The motion for the letter sound is to pretend you are an airplane and spread your wings out as if you are flying saying "Nnnnnnnn.........". Both classes did a great job learning the sound and motion for the letter "Nn" and I was so impressed with how many words they could think of that began with this newly learned letter. Way to go, K-3! After the Jolly Phonics lesson, they practiced what they learned completing the "Nn" page in their packets. I am amazed with each newly learned letter, how quickly they are able to circle objects on the back of their pages that begin with the sound we learned for the day. I LOVE the excitement in their faces when they make the connection between the learned sound and finding things on their own. They always call me me over waving their papers because they can't wait to show me what they found. It's so cute! Tonight for homework, they need to find four things that begin with the letter "Nn" and put them in their sound book. I will be excited to see what they all find when I look through their sound books tomorrow.
In math, we learned all about the number 3 and we did a few hands on activities to learn more about this number and what it means. After the lesson, we did a few pages in our math workbooks where they had the opportunity to show me what they learned from the lesson. Way to go, K-1 and K-3!
In the morning class, we had a "practice" fire drill today. The kids did AMAZING! I was so proud of how quickly they listened to me when the alarms started to go off. They got in line quickly and quietly and we headed outside to our safe spot to wait until Ms. Davis and Mrs. Pemberton said it was OK to head back inside. They were wonderful during the whole drill! Way to go, K-1!
It was such a fun day today! I love seeing all the adorable friendships that are forming in the classroom and the little kindergarten family we are building. My classroom is filled with smiles, giggles and alot of excited energy each and every day! The learning that is taking place is so fun to see and I am so honored I get to be such a big part of it! It's going to be a great year!