K-1 and K-3

K-1 and K-3

Friday, October 1, 2021

 Since today is the first day of October, we made our October calendars. Both classes couldn't wait to make them! I love doing the calendars with the class because it's wonderful practice with number recognition, counting and writing numbers the correct way. My kindergarten friends also LOVE hearing about all the fun things that written on the calendars such as classmates' birthdays and fun events happening in our classroom or at school. When we talked about how Halloween is on the last day of October, both classes had a lot of friends anxiously waving their hands to share what they were going to dress up as for Halloween. It was fun to hear about all the fun costumes! The background of our October calendar was a pumpkin where I had the class cut out a pumpkin shape out of construction paper, draw the lines to create the pumpkin's texture and add a stem to the top. On the back of their pumpkin, I gave everyone some black and white paper to turn their pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns. I LOVED seeing all the creative ideas they came up and their calendars turned out GREAT! They couldn't wait to bring them home to share with all of you! Way to go, K-1 and K-3!

Have a great weekend, everyone!