K-1 and K-3

Wednesday, December 1, 2021
With today being the first day of December, we made our December calendars. From the first day back from Thanksgiving break until we go on Winter break, we will be reading a Gingerbread Man book each day for our gingebread unit. After we read each book, we talk about the differences and similiarities between each book. My kindergarten friends LOVE reading all the Gingerbread Man stories and hearing all the different events that happen in each one. This is one of my favorite times of the year in kindergarten! With today being December 1st, we made our December calendars which are gingerbread men. I LOVED all the creativity my kindergarten friends put into their calendars and I loved seeing how they all turned out. I was so proud of how well they filled in the missing numbers on their calendars on their own and how well they all wrote the numbers without reversals. WOW!!!!! I was so impressed! They have all learned so much since the beginning of the year and they are all taking off as learners right now! It is truly amazing! Here are some pictures of my kindergarten friends with their adorable calendars we made today: