K-1 and K-3

Thursday, November 11, 2021
In honor of Veteran's Day today, we learned all about what this wonderful holiday is and why we celebrate it. We watched a Brain pop movie that gave my kindergarten friends a lot of important information to understand the meaning of Veteran's Day. After we watched the movie a few of my kinder friends shared some pictures with the class of some veterans they have in their family. We are very, very thankful to all those men and women who served for our country! Thank you!
After learning about Veteran's Day, I did a following directions art project where we made the American flag. My kindergarten friends LOVED making their flags today and they did a great job following my step-by-step directions until their flags were complete. When they were done, a lot of my friends held their flags up with HUGE smiles in excitement to show me their amazing flags. I was SO proud of how well they all did on them!
In Jolly Phonics, we had a review day today since we finished learning another set of 6 sounds. We watched a Jolly Phonics review movie and we did a sound sort to practice the last 6 sounds we learned. I was so proud of how well they all did on their sort all on their own. They were all able to say a word and sort the picture on their sort under the correct sound. They did amazing! We had a wonderful day in kindergarten today!