K-1 and K-3

Tuesday, January 25, 2022
We had another fun day in kindergarten filled with math, a Schoolwide lesson and reading groups. In reader's workshop today using our Schoolwide curriculum, I did a lesson with the class where we learned how readers infer characters' feelings and traits by thinking about what is happening in the story, studying their facial and body language, and listening to what they think. The Elephant and Piggie books are perfect for learning this important skill. Today I used the story called, I Broke My Trunk! This story was about how Gerald, the elephant, broke his trunk and how he explained how it happened to his best friend, Piggie. During the lesson today, I paired up the class and at certain points of the story they had to turn and talk to their partner about what was happening in the story. They "turned and talked" sitting "knee-to-knee-eye-to-eye." I was amazed with how well they all worked with their partners and how well they did sharing their ideas with one another. Way to go, K-1 and K-3!
In math, I did a hands-on lesson with the class where we learned and practiced how to add two numbers together within 10. They did a FANTASTIC job and to help them learn this new skill, I had them use two different colored block trains where they used one color to represent the first number in the addition sentence and another color to represent the other number. When they added them together, it helped them to get the correct total and to understand the concept of adding two numbers together to get a total amount. When I was finished teaching them the lesson as a class, I had them open up their Ipads and do an addition activity on Seesaw using their colored block trains at their "table spots." I was amazed how well they all did building the addition sentences with their blocks and filling in the addition sentences all on their own on the Seesaw App. My kindergarten friends amaze me everyday! They are like little sponges soaking in everything we are learning each day and having so much fun showing me what they know. I couldn't be more proud of ALL of them!