K-1 and K-3

Monday, February 21, 2022
During SAT time today, I got to meet with a guided reading group. I can't believe how much they have all grown as readers and how well they are sounding out words to write them on their own! It is truly amazing! Both classes love when they get to meet with me at the back table for reading groups because sometimes they get to write on the table with dry erase markers. They think it's so funny! I told them they can only write on the table at school with me and that it is something special they get to do there at kindergarten. They LOVE it! Here are some cute pictures I took of my friends doing some word work in our group today:
With today being President's Day and tomorrow being George Washington's birthday, we learned all about George Washington in class and made a project of him today. Both classes did such a wonderful job during the group lesson today and I was so impreessed with all the fun facts they learned about our first President. They also did a fabulous job following my step-by-step directions in making the George Washington project today! This was a difficult one to make that had a lot of complicated cuts to make specific pieces of the project. I was so proud of them! Here are some pictures of both classes with their projects: