K-1 and K-3

Tuesday, March 1, 2022
With today being March 1st, we made our March calendars in class today. They LOVED making this calendar and I was amazed with how wonderful they all turned out. They all did such a great job filling in the missing numbers from 1-31 and following my step-by-step directions in making the calendar! They were all so proud of their hard work on them and they couldn't wait to bring them home to share with all of you! Here are some pictures I took of all my kindergarten friends with their amazing March calendars:
In the morning class, we had a fun visit where two Hersey basketball players came to our class to read a few stories to them. I have never seen the class so quiet as they sat in awe listening to the boys read two cute stories. It was so much fun having them both in our class today! Thank you, Charlie and Jimmy! What a "special treat!"