With George Washington having his birthday yesterday, we learned all about George Washington today and made a paper following directions George Washington to go along with it. This project was a challenging one with all the "tricky" cutting we had to do. Both classes did AMAZING and they were very excited to bring them home to share with their families today! Attached are some cute pictures I took of both classes with their projects and of course, we had to take some silly ones! Haha! It was such a fun day in kindergarten! I am so proud of all my kindergarten friends!
K-1 and K-3

Thursday, February 23, 2023
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Today we read the story, Tacky The Penguin which was a cute story about an odd little penguin who's unique qualities saved the day. As we read the story, we giggled and had fun talking about the story as we read it together. To go along with this story, we made a penguin project which was a listening and following directions activity. They did great following my step-by-step instructions to ensure that their penguin looked just like mine when they were finished. For the last part of the project, I had them do some writing where I asked them finish my sentence starter of "My favorite part was when....." I was blown away today with how amazing they did making their penguins and how well they did with their writing using their "brave spelling!" They were so excited to bring their penguins home today to share with you!
In math we are learning about skip counting and the past two lessons have been about learning how to count by 2's. My kinders are having fun with this newly learned skill and the challenge of it. Today we had a little more practice counting by 2's so they could be more confident doing it on their own. To begin the lesson, I gave each table a baggie with numbers from 2-40 that would contain the numbers they needed to skip count from 2 all the way up to 40. I asked them to put the numbers in order together as a table and when they were done I checked it to ensure they put the numbers correctly in order skip counting by 2's. They all did great! I was amazed! Next, I gave them a piece of paper and they got to practice counting by 2's on their own by filling in the missing numbers. These activities were "tricky" and I was so proud of all the team work I saw today and the positive attitude to try their best with learning something challenging. Way to go, kinder friends!
It was a fun learning day today! Remember we don't have school Thursday and Friday this week due to Parent/Teacher Conferences. The kids also have Monday off due to President's day. Enjoy the 5 days off with your kiddos and I will look forward to seeing them all back at school on Tuesday and all of you at parent/teacher conferences!