Happy Groundhog Day, everyone! Today we spent some of our kindergarten day learning about what this fun holiday is since it's today (February 2nd). They had fun learning about what Groundhog day is and making groundhog hats. We also learned some fun facts about groundhogs too such as: Did you know that groundhogs incisor teeth keep growing and growing? They gnaw on sticks and wood to sharpen them and keep them shorter. If they didn't do that, groundhogs would have some VERY LONG teeth! In class, we made predictions on what we thought the groundhog saw this morning and I showed them a real video of Punxsutawney Phil that was taken this morning to see what the groundhog's prediction was. The class was SO excited to find out that the groundhog DID see his shadow and that means that we will have 6 more weeks of winter. Here are some pictures I took of both classes wearing their adorable groundhog hats. They of course wanted to take a few silly pictures. They are too cute!