Yesterday, I read both classes the story, Snowman At Night, and we did a fun activity to go along with it. I asked the class to write a sentence or two about what they would do if they were a snowman and came alive at night just like the ones in the story! I was so PROUD of all of their wonderful writing and how well they placed their words on the lines correctly. They are all growing as writers and it's so fun to see! After they finished writing, we did a little snowman art project above it that included ripping paper and gluing it on paper to create the snowman's face and various other steps following my step-by-step directions. Their snowman projects turned out amazing and we had so much fun looking at all of them when the classes were finished! I hung them in the kindergarten hallway for all of Olive to admire! I have gotten a lot of compliments just in the short time they have been hung up already. Way to go, K-1 and K-3!