Today is International Dot Day, in honor of this fun event I read the class the wonderful story called The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds. This is a great story with a wonderful message about being brave and to make your mark in the world. Both classes LOVED hearing this story today. To go along with it, I gave them an activity where they all received a piece of paper with 6 circular dots on it. I asked them to use their imagination and be creative and turn each of the 6 dots into something. I was amazed with the wonderful ideas they came up with! I saw them turn their dots into donuts, suns, flowers, a balloon, a baseball, a basketball, a person's face. etc. It was so much fun! Here are some pictures of my friends with the fun activity today:
In Jolly Phonics today, we learned all about the letter "Oo." We learned the correct motion and sound for this letter along with how to make the letter o the correct way from the top to the bottom. The motion for the letter "o" is to pretend you are turning the lights on and off saying "o, o, o, o." When we practiced the new sound in our Jolly Phonics packet they had fun finding pictures on the back that began with the new sound. I told them to remember that the letter "o" we learned today makes the short o sound and NOT the long o sound. It was tricky, but they all did a great job! Please be careful doing the letter "o" homework with your child this weekend and make sure you find pictures of things that begin with the o sound that is the short o sound only. Like in the words: octopus, officer, olive, owl.
In math, we did a few chapter review pages where they got to show me all they know about the numbers 0-5. They did a great job on them and they were excited to bring them all home today to show you!
It was another great day in K-1 and K-3! I am amazed with my kinders each and every day and all they have learned with me in the past 21 days. They are all beginning to read and write words on their own and the camaraderie we have developed in my classroom is amazing. They all get along so well and are so sweet to one another! Have a great weekend, everyone!