K-1 and K-3

K-1 and K-3

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

 It has been a fun last two days in K-1 and K-3! In math we just finished our measurement unit where we learned how to measure things by length, height, and weight. We have also really dove into the concepts of greater and fewer than. Today we began our math unit where we are learning the concept of comparing two sets of objects using more than. Both classes did a great job during the math lesson and I was so proud of how well they grasped this newly learned concept! Each day, they are excited to know when we are doing math because they all say it's their favorite subject! It has been so much fun helping them all find a LOVE of math and furthering their curiosity and knowledge in the subject.

In handwriting, we have learned how to write a few more lowercase letters using the wet, dry, try method. In this program, I have taught them how to place the letters correctly on the lines ensuring they were making each one from the top to the bottom. They are doing a wonderful job learning how to write the letters with correct line placement and writing neatly in their handwriting books. With this wonderful program, you are going to see a BIG difference in their handwriting and it's amazing to see the transfer from writing with all capital letters to writing words correctly in lowercase. 

The afternoon class had buddies today with our 5th grade buddies from Mr. Edstrom's class. We played a game called "Race to 100." In this game, they had to roll a dice and color that many squares on their gameboard. They kept rolling and coloring until they got to 100. It was fun for my kinders and their buddies to see how many rolls it took for them to get to 100. The morning class will meet with their buddies from Mrs. Muhr's class tomorrow.

Have a great night, everyone!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Reading To A Partner -WOW!!! Great Job K-1 and K-3!

 Today in class, we read a small mini book called Where Did The Turkey Go?  When reading this book with both classes I discussed all the things that good readers do and I taught them these skills as we read it together. We also discussed how letters make words and how words make sentences. On each page, I asked them to count how many words were on the page and I also asked them to find specific words and count how many letters were in that word. They did great figuring out both! This book really focused on positional words such as: in front of, behind, next to, above, below. etc. We talked about each positional word, it's meaning and then I asked them to glue a paper turkey in the correct position with the pilgrims in the picture. They did a great job! When we finished reading the book together, I paired up everyone in both classes with a partner. I told them that I wanted them to sit knee-to-knee and eye-to-eye. I asked them to decide who was going to read first. Then I told them they would take turns reading the book to one another reading the book in it's entirety. I smiled as I walked around hearing them read to one another pointing to each word as they read them on the page. I LOVED hearing my kinders helping each other sound out words or give each other compliments when they were done reading! I was SOOOOO proud of how well they worked together as partners and how kind they were to one another! I was so impressed with their reading too. It was so cute!! Great job, K-1 and K-3!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Thankful Turkeys

With Thanksgiving happening next week, we made some thankful turkeys today in class. The turkeys we made were a BIG project that required a lot of listening and following directions. I taught the class how to do three steps and then they would go to their table spots and complete it on their own and we would then learn three more steps. We kept doing this routine until our turkeys were finished. When our turkeys were all put together, I asked my kinder friends to write something they were thankful for on each feather. They all did a fabulous job sounding out the words they wanted to write with their "brave spelling!" I am impressed each and every day with how much growth they are growing as learners! Here are some of my adorable kinder friends with their amazing turkeys that they put so much hard work into:


Now that we have finished Jolly Phonics, we have been working really hard on applying what we learned through this wonderful program while reading and writing on our own. Today they did an activity where I asked them to look at the pictures on the page and write the words on their own separating the sounds to spell it correctly. They all did a great job! I am finding that the vowels are tricky so please make sure you keep practicing the digraphs and those tricky vowel sounds. A lot of my kinder friends mistake the "e" sound for the "a" sound. With little reminders, they are able to fix it with the right sound. I am so proud of the amazing growth they are all making as writers! Way to go, K-1 and K-3!

In math, we are continuing to learn about measurement where we have learned all about measuring length, height and weight. Both classes have loved this math unit and are having fun measuring various objects with different math manipulatives. I am so proud of all they are learning in math! 

We have been learning so much in kindergarten and each day they are growing more and more as learners! I am blown away with how well they are reading and writing words on their own! It has been so exciting!