Today was a very busy day in K-1 and K-3! We had an assembly where we had a youth adult theater come and perform "Beauty and The Beast." Both classes were excellent listeners and I was amazed how well they all sat and listened to the whole performance! They all really enjoyed it!
We had gym and music too which didn't leave much room for our last Dr. Seuss activity. I read my kinders The Cat In The Hat Comes Back! by Dr. Seuss. They loved this story and then we did a Cat In The Hat directed draw. I taught them how to draw it following my step-by-step directions. They turned out AMAZING! WOW!!! We have such amazing artists in kindergarten! They were so excited when they finished drawing and coloring their Cat In The Hats! Here are some pictures of my kinder friends with their drawings:
The afternoon had fun making their Cat In The Hat drawings too!