K-1 and K-3

Friday, January 10, 2025
Aah----choo! Poor Sneezy The Snowman is very cold!
Aah....chooo!!!! Poor Sneezy the Snowman is very, very, very cold! What can he do to warm up? He tries drinking hot cocoa, sitting in a hot tub, wewaring warmer clothes, and standing in front of a fire but all these things just made him melt. The kids tried many things to help warm him up and each time he just melted and they had to keep building him back up. Finally they found the perfect idea to make him feel much better at the very end. Ask your child to tell you what worked. To go along with this cute story, we made our own Sneezy the Snowman projects where the kids got to do a reading response to the story where they wrote one idea of how they would melt if they were Sneezy. Then, they got to use a mixture of shaving cream and glue to paint on the paper to be Sneezy's snow. This mixture looked liked melted snow on the paper. Then they used orange, black and brown paper to make the snowman pieces that were left behind in the melted snow such as his carrot nose, arms, eyes, mouth and hat. The projects turned out SO CUTE!! I have them hanging from the ceiling in the classroom. The kids are having so much fun looking at them all! Way to go, K-1!
In math, we have continuted learning about 2D and 3D shapes and this week we are wrapping that unit up with learning about shape patterns. The kids have LOVED this unit and they all have become quite the shape experts! They can name all the 2D (flat) and 3D (solid) shapes while also identifying the ones that can roll, slide or do both. They can tell the differences among the shapes and we have also learned about how many corners, sides and flat surfaces they shapes have as well. While learning about all these shapes, we have also been working on learning the positional words such as: in front of, behind, next to, above, under, etc. We have been learning A LOT in math and I am so proud of how quickly they have mastered these new math concepts!
In literacy today, the kids had so much fun playing a few phonics games with a partner. It was so fun walking around and seeing how well they were finding pictures with the sound they rolled and their strategic moves to try to win the game! Way to go, K-1!
It's been a fun week back at school! I sure missed my 18 kinder friends over the LONG break! It was so fun greeting them all on Tuesday and seeing all their adorable, excited faces and sharing lots of snuggles! Have a great weekend, everyone!