Since Sunday is Groundhog Day, we spent some of our kindergarten day learning about what this fun holiday is. They had fun learning about it and making groundhog hats. We also learned some fun facts about groundhogs too such as: Did you know that groundhogs incisor teeth keep growing and growing? They gnaw on sticks and wood to sharpen them and keep them shorter. If they didn't do that, groundhogs would have some VERY LONG teeth! In class, I did a groundhog directed draw with them too and we graphed our predictions on what the groundhog will see on Sunday. All but one friend in our class is hoping the groundhog doesn't see his shadow so we can have an early spring. It was such a fun day today! I am so incredibly proud of how far my kinder friends are coming as learners! They beam with smiles while they are here which fills my heart knowing they are having so much fun while they are learning oodles!! Here are some pictures I took of the class wearing their adorable groundhog hats. They of course wanted to take a few silly pictures. They are too cute! Also, please remember that next week si Digital Citizenship week where we will be talking about the importance of being safe, responsible, and respectful online. During the whole week, a new topic based on Digital Citizenship will be explained to the class. We will see a video each day talking about this important topic. Along with discussing it, they are asked to participate in some fun things each day as well. Please see below: