We had such a fun 100th Day of kindergarten today! The room was full of smiles, giggles and lots of fun energy! They kept telling me it was the best day ever! It melted my heart! We did a lot of 100 day activities to celebrate our 100th day. We read the story 100 Day Worries, made a necklace with 100 beads by making groups of 10 by color until the necklace was complete, drawing what we'd look like if we were 100. We also made puppet where I took their picture and we created what they would look like if they were 100 too. The puppets turned out SO cute and they LOVED them! We also did a Jack Hartman video where we exercised counting to 100 counting by 1's. It was such a fun day! With 100th day fun in the morning and the valentine's day party in the afternoon, I know this will be a day they will remember forever! Thank you to all the room reps and all the parent volunteers who came today to host an AMAZING Valentine's Day party! It was so much fun! Here are some pictures I took of our 100th Day fun today:
We made puppets of what we would look like if we were 100. They LOVED making these! We counted our 100 day collection by making 10 groups of 10 and skip counting up to 100 when they were done sorting. They are all experts at counting to 100 by 10's now! Wow! We made 100 day necklaces where they made 5 groups of 10 (50 beads) and put on the "100th Day" medallion and then added the next 50 beads by making 5 groups of 10 to total 100 all together. They were so proud to wear their finished necklaces when they were done! Way to go, K-1!