On Friday, we learned a new Jolly Phonics letter sound for the letter "Tt." Both classes did a fabulous job during the lesson and practicing what they learned in their Jolly Phonics packets. We also added the letters "Aa" and "Tt" to our Jolly Phonics sound books. We ran out of time on Thursday when we learned "Aa" so we took some time on Friday to add both sounds. For homework this weekend, I asked both classes to find four things that begin with the letter "Tt" and add them to their Jolly Phonics sound books. I can't wait to check their sound books tomorrow to see what they all found! They are having so much fun learning the letters, sounds and motions and beginning to put them together to read words!
In math on Friday, we are continued to learn the concept of same and different! They are having so much fun showing me what they are learning and showing off by completing the work on their own in their math workbooks.
I am so proud of all my kindergarten friends and seeing what they are all learning! They are like little sponges soaking up each and every part of our kindergarten day. Our classroom has been full of excitement and BIG smiles and I am so proud of how well they have learned our class routine! Way to go, K-1 and K-3! I am looking forward to another fun week this week!