K-1 and K-3

K-1 and K-3

Thursday, December 22, 2022

 Today was a fun last day in kindergarten before the long winter break! Our morning started off with a "Story time With The Principals" where Ms. Davis and Mrs. Pemberton read the class a story and they got to do an activity to go along with it. They had so much fun at this special story time especially because they got to sit with their 5th grade buddies for the activity. 

After, we did a December Roll and Write where my kinder friends got to practice their sight words for the month. They LOVE doing this activity to see what sight word will win and get to the top first! After we did a phonics activity where they needed to fill in the words on the page with the missing middle sound. This was good practice for my kinder friends in decoding words and hearing the vowels in C-V-C words. They did fantastic on both activities! 

For something fun today, Mrs. Martens and I combined our classes for the last part of the day where we they got to make their own groups of 5 friends and be engineers today. We asked them to design and build something with their group out of the materials we provided that would help the gingerbread man get across the water safely. We had tubs of water where they got to try out their design to see if it worked and if not, they were able to problem solve with their group on how they could change it so that it would be successful. They came up with some amazing ideas and it was so fun walking around the classroom to hear the discussions that were happening as they decided on what they were going to build and how they were going to do it. They also did a great job building together as as team and problem solving together! It was such a fun morning! Here are some pictures of the kinders with during this fun activity:

Happy Holidays, everyone and enjoy this time off with one another! Have fun staying in your pajamas a little longer and making memories! I will look forward to seeing you all in 2023!

Run, Run As Fast As You Can!

Yesterday was a day in kindergarten my friends will never forget. We made a "real" Gingerbread Man in class and when we were finished we voted if our cookie was going to be a boy or girl and what it's name should be. Next we had to go to our 5th grade buddies class for our buddy time with them so to ensure it didn't run away, we put it on shelf in one of my cabinets and tied it shut with red ribbon. When we walked back to our class after buddies, we found our classroom garbage cans and chairs all tipped over and cookie crumbs all over our classroom floor. The gingerbread man had run away but left us a note explaining that he was off to explore at Olive and then our hunt began....we had to try to catch that gingerbread man! We went on our hunt with Mrs. Martens' and Ms. Vega's class because their gingerbread man had run away too. We always say "Teamwork is the dreamwork!" We decided to look for our cookies together. After looking all over the school, we came to our last clue in Mrs. Pemberton's and Ms. Davis' office. He explained how much fun he had visiting our school but that he had to leave and left us some gingerbread cookies to eat instead. It was such a fun day in K-1 and K-3! Here are some pictures from today:

Maybe we will catch him next year? That gingerbread man was so fast!