Today in class, I taught the class about story elements where we learned about the setting, the characters, and the plot (events in the story). To help them in understanding these new concepts I read one of my favorite gingerbread stories called The Gingerbread Girl so we could talk about the story elements of it. We had so much fun reading this adorable story and reading how the gingerbread girl's clever plan outfoxed the fox. They loved chiming in as I read the story and they were on their knees in excitement to hear what came next. After reading the story, we charted the story elements of the story together. Next, we took the information we talked about into doing a word box activity that went with the story. I asked them to fill in the 8 blank boxes by drawing, coloring and labeling something that was talked about in the Gingerbread Girl story. I was absolutely AMAZED with the things they drew and how well they sounded out the words they wanted to write with their "brave spelling!" Yay, K-1 and K-3!
After all that hard work, we took a much deserved "brain break" and had a long indoor recess. They had so much fun playing in the play kitchen, building with Lego's and bristle blocks and playing with the dollhouse. They have also been having fun making their own gingerbread man pictures out of paper or writing their own gingerbread stories! So cute!
At the end of the day, we did some handwriting with our Handwriting Without Tears program where we learned how to write a few more lowercase letters so that they were sitting on the lines the correct way. I am so impressed with how far their handwriting has come! It is so nice and neat!
It was another fun day in kindergarten! Have a wonderful night, everyone!