K-1 and K-3

K-1 and K-3

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

February Calendars

Wow! How is tomorrow February 1st already? The year is flying by and going way to FAST! With it being February tomorrow, we made our calendars today where they got to create heart masterpieces on top of their February calendars. They turned out so cute! I reminded them all that when they got home they should hang it in a special spot so that they could check each day to see all the important things that are happening in our classroom or at Olive. 

The past two weeks, I have been meeting with my reading groups where we have been working on growing as readers and writers and I am SO proud of the wonderful progress all my friends are making! All I can say is WOW!!!! I am so proud!!! It is so fun to have this special time with all of them to get to know them as readers and see the pride in their faces as they read to me out loud and write words on their own.

In math, we are still continuing to learn all about 2D and 3D shapes. They are becoming shape experts and having so much fun learning and exploring with them!

It's been an exciting time in kindergarten where everything is beginning to click for all of them and they are all really taking off as learners! I am so lucky I get to work with all my kinders each and every day and help them find the joy in learning! 

Thursday, January 25, 2024

What a fun week!!!

In both classes, I read the story, Snowman At Night, and we did a fun activity to go along with it. I asked the class to write a sentence or two about what they would do if they were a snowman and came alive at night just like the ones in the story! I was so PROUD of all of their wonderful writing and how well they placed their words on the lines correctly. They are all growing as writers and it's so fun to see! After they finished writing, we did a little snowman art project above it that included ripping paper and gluing it on paper to create the snowman's face and various other steps following my step-by-step directions. Their snowman projects turned out amazing and we had so much fun looking at all of them when the classes were finished! They were all so excited about how they turned out the all begged me to let them take them home. They were beyond excited to show you them! Way to go, K-1 and K-3!

This week I have also began doing guided reading groups where I get to meet with all my kinders in small groups of 4 or 5. These groups are with other friends that are at their same reading level. We work on learning things that "good readers" and "good" writers do. We read books together and work on the learned skills I teach them along with doing some word work as well! They LOVE that they get to write on my rainbow table while working on their word work. It's so cute to see the excitement they are all having in learning. I absolutely LOVE this time with all my kinder friends and getting this special small group time with them! I am blown away with how well they are developing as readers and writers! It is SO exciting!!

In math, we have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. They are LOVING this math unit and I am amazed with how fast they have learned the names of these tricky new shapes! Way to go, K-1 and K-3!!!

Other than that, we are plugging away with our Handwriting Without Tears program and growing tremendously as learners! I am beyond proud of how much they are all learning and they have all taken off as learners! 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

How is it January already? Wow...time flies!

I LOVE greeting my kinders back at school today! I have missed them all so much! It was so fun seeing them as they all came into the classroom with HUGE smiles and excited hellos and hugs! I was amazed with how well they have adjusted so quickly back to our kindergarten routine today and how well they all listened and followed directions. What a fun morning! I can't wait to see my afternoon kinders soon!

Today in class, we made our January calendars. My kinder friends had so much fun making their calendars and seeing all the exciting things that are happening in our classroom and at Olive. They LOVED learning how to make snowflakes out of paper and the surprise of seeing how they turned out when they opened them. Their calendars turned out great and it was so fun to see how different they all were with everyone's snowflake creations! Here are some pictures of my kinder friends with their January calendars:

After we made our calendars, we had a brain break where the class enjoyed playing with one another for awhile! The room was full of excitement, giggles, and lots of smiles! To end our morning, we did a little word work where we practice writing word on whiteboards. I am excited to see the growth all my kinder friends are making in sounding out the words and spelling them correctly on their own. They are doing such a good job of implementing what they learned in Jolly Phonics in their writing! Yay!!!! Stay warm everyone!