K-1 and K-3

K-1 and K-3

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

February Calendars

Wow! How is tomorrow February 1st already? The year is flying by and going way to FAST! With it being February tomorrow, we made our calendars today where they got to create heart masterpieces on top of their February calendars. They turned out so cute! I reminded them all that when they got home they should hang it in a special spot so that they could check each day to see all the important things that are happening in our classroom or at Olive. 

The past two weeks, I have been meeting with my reading groups where we have been working on growing as readers and writers and I am SO proud of the wonderful progress all my friends are making! All I can say is WOW!!!! I am so proud!!! It is so fun to have this special time with all of them to get to know them as readers and see the pride in their faces as they read to me out loud and write words on their own.

In math, we are still continuing to learn all about 2D and 3D shapes. They are becoming shape experts and having so much fun learning and exploring with them!

It's been an exciting time in kindergarten where everything is beginning to click for all of them and they are all really taking off as learners! I am so lucky I get to work with all my kinders each and every day and help them find the joy in learning!