This week has been another busy week in K-1 and K-3! I am so proud of all my kinders are's truly AMAZING!
In math, we have been working on learning all about flat shapes (2D) and solid shapes (3D). We have learned how to tell the difference among them and they have also learned which shapes can slide or roll or do both. We also discussed in length about how many sides and corners the flat shapes have. They have become shape experts! They really enjoyed this chapter in math and they were so excited to bring home their completed math books today. We are done with them and they DON'T need to come back to school. We will be starting a new book on Monday. Besides our regular math, we had visits from our math interventionists in the morning and afternoon classes where they worked with all the kinders on Tangy Tuesday. The kids LOVED this challenging math and they all did great on it! I am beyond proud of all of them!
In reading and writing, we have been continuing with our reading groups each week where I get to sit with all my kinder friends in their small groups and hear what wonderful readers they are becoming. I also get to teach them some things that "good" readers do and we put them into practice while reading our guided reading books. We also get to work on some word work as well where they are working on spelling words and writing sentences. They have grown so much as readers and writers and I keep asking them if they are sure they are kindergarteners? With their reading and writing, I would think they are first graders! Thank you for all your amazing help at home reading their book bags with them and practicing sight words and their word lists with them too! With us working together, each one of my friends is making amazing growth!! Yay!! In writing, we are continuing to learn and practice the things "good" writers do and we have been journaling a few times a week so they can put into practice what they have learned.
This week, we learned all about George Washington since it was his birthday this week. They made a paper TLC George Washington project which they loved doing! These projects are great for learning about shapes, problem solving, follow directions and much more!
We have been having so much fun in K-1 and K-3 and I am amazed with their growth as learners! They are like little sponges soaking up all they are learning with me in class! Way to go, K-1 and K-3! Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!