K-1 and K-3

Wednesday, November 20, 2024
I am so thankful for my 18 turkeys this year! (haha!!)
Today was such a fun day in K-1! It was a jam packed day with phonics, a literacy lesson about adjectives which they did amazing learning, and we spent the afteroon making adorable "thankful turkeys." They LOVED making the turkeys this afternoon and did an exceptional job following my step-by-step directions in making them! I Loved reading all the things they were thankful for when they wrote them on their colorful feathers. Way to go, K-1! I know that I am very, very thankful that I get to spend each and every day with my 18 little turkeys who provide me so much joy and giggles! I am AMAZED with all they are learning and I am so proud of how they are all progressing as learners! It was fun day today! Here are some pictures of my little turkeys with their "thankful turkeys":