K-1 and K-3

Monday, November 18, 2024
What a Monday!
Today in leteracy, we learned a new sound and practice forming the letters and finding things that had that sound in it. They came up with a lot of things that had the newly learned sound so I know their soundbook homework will be easy for them tonight!
In math, we started learning about 2D shapes on Thursday and will still be working on that chapter this week. We learned about the triangle, square, rectagle, rhombus (diamond), hexagon, circle, oval, and a little about a trapezoid. We learned about how many sideas and points they each have. We also discussed the similiar things that some shapes have and things about them that are different. They have been having fun showing me what they know in their math workbooks and they are doing a GREAT job! After this week, they are going to be 2D shape experts!
In science, I am continuing our unit on "Tracking the Weather." Today we learned all about wind such as what it is and why it happens. We also learned about two different wind tools that can help them figure out if the weather is windy or not. We made some wind pinwheels today in class and my intent was to go outside and test them to see if it was windy today. With it being so rainy, we held them over the radiator in the classrom to see how the pinwheel reacted to the air that was blowing out of it. They LOVED holding their pinwheels over the air and seeing how fast they turned! They were excited to bring them home to share with you.
In writing this afternoon, we had "Weekend News" where I asked them to write about something they did over the weekend. I am amazed with how much they are all growing as writers and illustrators! They are drawing some amazing, detailed pictures and I love seeing how far they have come in writing sentences on their own with their "brave spelling!" WOW!!!! Way to go, K-1!
It was a fun day in K-1! Have a great night everyone!