K-1 and K-3

Thursday, December 19, 2024
Oh what a Thursday! Yay!
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Catch that Gingerbread Girl!
Today was a day in kindergarten my friends will never forget. We made a "real" gingerbread man in class and when we were finished we voted if our cookie was going to be a boy or girl and what it's name should be. We decided as a class it should be a girl. From all the stories we have read this month, we have learned a gingerbread girl was very smart and has had the most chances on getting away when it met the fox. Next it was time for our morning recess so to ensure it didn't run away, we put it on shelf, locked it in the bathroom, and put many chairs against it so it couldn't get out of the door. We even locked our classroom door too. When we walked back to our class after recess, we found cookie crumbs scattered all over the kindergarten hallway, the chairs and lunch bins were flipped over. The gingerbread girl had run away but left us a note explaining that he was off to explore at Olive and then our hunt began....we had to try to catch that gingerbread girl! We went on our hunt with all the kindergarten classes because their gingerbread cookies had run away too. All 100 of us!!! We always say "Teamwork is the dreamwork!" We decided to look for our cookies together. After looking all over the school, we came to our last clue in the school office. The gingerbread girl explained how much fun she had visiting our school but that she had to leave and left us some gingerbread cookies to eat instead. It was such a fun day in K-1! Here are some pictures of our fun hunt below:
We didn't catch our gingerbread girl but maybe next year!!!! What a fun day in kindergarten!