K-1 and K-3

Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Literacy fun!
Today in class, I did a literacy lesson with the class where I read them a non-fiction book called Map My Neighborhood. When I read the story to the class today, we talked about the text features of the book such as the Table of Contents, the Glossory, the Heading. I talked to the class about what each part is and why an author includes them in the book. When we were done reading the story, we talked about the neighborhood in the book and how it is like the neighborhood they live in by Olive in Arlington Heights. We talked about the things that were the same and we named things for each thing that was mentioned in the story. The class did a great job connecting the story to their own lives. To help further this connection, I gave each of my kindergarten friends a blank white piece of paper. I asked them to draw a map of their neighborhood. I was blown away with their detailed maps and I LOVED seeing all the things they chose to draw on their map. They did such an excellent job! Here are some pictures of the class with their map drawings: