K-1 and K-3

Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Fun in K-1!
We have been busy owls in K-1 and wow....they amaze me with how well they are beginning to read and write! I am loving each and every opportunity when I get to see them write sentences on their own using their "brave spelling" or when I get to hear them read a word or sentence. It is SO exciting!
In reader's workshop, we have been studying informational text and have been learning about community workers. They are doing a wonderful job understanding what a summary is while reading and we have been practicing it together when I finish reading a read-aloud to the class. Being able to summarize also shows me they are doing a good job listening while I am reading too and they are able to comprehend what I am reading out loud to them as well. They have grown so much as readers and it's so exciting!
In writing, we have been working on line placement when we are writing words and sentences on the lines. They are doing a great job writing nice and neat on the lines and ensuring they are forming the letters from top to bottom while writing. In our journals, I have been working with my kindergarten friends to write one or two sentences about their picture they write in their journal for the day. They are having so much fun adding their own creativity to their illustrations and labeling the picture with their "brave spelling." They are doing such a great job! When we journal, I walk around the classroom to help those that need a little extra help and I am needed less and less each week. I am enjoying seeing them grow as writers!
In math, we have been learning about 3D shapes like the cylinder, cube, cone, pyramid, sphere, rectangular prism, hexagonal prism, etc. I am amazed with how well they have learned all their 3D shapes and how they can tell me the difference among them. They have truly become shape experts! They LOVE this math unit about shapes and are having so much fun with all the shape activities we are doing!
In science, we are still learning about the weather and tracking the weather! They have loved tracking the weather each day and we have been looking to see if there has been any kind of pattern and we have enjoyed discussing what we have been seeing as the seasons changed from fall to winter.
This month we have also been doing our gingerbread unit where I read the class a gingebread story each day and we do many gingerbread activities to go along with it. They have LOVED all the different versions of the stories and we have had fun discussing how they are the same and how they are different!
My kindergarten friends are growing so much as learners and they amaze me each and every day!