K-1 and K-3

Friday, March 7, 2025
The Cat In The Hat Comes Back
Our morning started out today with a literacy lesson with the book called, Ish. This is fiction story about a young boy named Ramon who loves to draw. He was a confident drawer until one day when his brother told him he didn't think his drawings were very good. Ramon's love of drawing started to fade until he walked into his sister's room and discovered something amazing. Ask your child what happened next and why the story is called "ish." We LOVED reading this story today and we had a great discussion on identifying the chacters, setting and main idea. We also talked about what lesson the story was trying to teach us.
Next, we had a cultural arts assembly called "Crossing Borders Assembly." The kids LOVED attending the assembly and having the opportunity to learn all about the music they played today. They learned the names of the instruments the musicians had and we also got to learn some important music language. It was a great assembly and I was SO proud of how well my kinders sat through the performance!
When we got back, we had recess and listened to the story, The Cat In The Hat Comes Back by Dr. Seuss while they ate their snack. They liked hearing this story and how it would be different from The Cat In The Hat we read on Monday. After I did a directed draw Cat In The Hat with the class. They did a great job following my step-by-step directions in drawing the character as I drew mine on the board. I am so impressed with how far their drawing skills have grown this year! Their drawings turned out amazing!
This afternoon, the class had gym and music. I got invited to attend gym today and it was so much fun participating with all my kinder friends. When they got back, we did science. I did a lesson with the class on motion and how to get a car to move. It is one of the lessons in our "pushes and pulls' unit. I made a baggie with science supplies for this activity and I paired up the class in groups of 3. They got to sit down with their group and they had to think about how they could use the supplies in the baggie to get their car to move. With each attempt, I asked them to think about how they could change the speed and if they could change the direction the car was moviing. They had so much fun working with one another and listening to eachother's ideas on how they could get their car to move fast and how to get it to move slow.
Then we met as a group and we talked about what they tried as a group and which was their favorite to get the car to move. I LOVED hearing all their creative ideas! For the last part of the lesson, they went to their seats and took out their science journals. I asked them to draw their favorite way they got the car moving. I also asked them to color and label it. I was so impressed with all their detailed drawings and how well they did recording what they tried in class today! Way to go, K-1!
After science, I got to meet with two reading groups where we read a story together and we worked on comprehension. We also did a little word work too and I am so proud of how much growth my kinders are making as readers and writers! Yay! It was a fun Dr. Seuss week in K-1 and I am amazed with all their learning! Have a great weekend, everyone!