K-1 and K-3

Wednesday, March 5, 2025
What a Fun Wacky Wednesday!
It was so much fun today greeting all my friends this morning and seeing them all dressed in a "wacky" way today for Wacky Wednesday. We began our day doing the calendar and I did our routine in a fun, wacky way. They all giggled through calendar today and had so much fun doing some of the things backwards or in a wacky way. Next, I read the class Dr. Seuss' story called Wacky Wednesday and they LOVED finding all the wacky things on each page. They did a great job finding them and they were all raising their hands bursting to tell me what they found on each page. After we did a Wacky Wednesday mini-book where the kids had to fill the missing words on each page that went along with the picture. There was something wacky on each page and my kinders did such a good job using their "brave spelling" to sound out the words they needed to fill in to complete the sentencs. Way to go, K-1!
After that we took a little break and had indoor recess since everything was still wet outside from yesterday's rain. The class had so much fun trying to stack cups and cards (resembling the Cat In The Hat's hat) and seeing how tall they could build it until it fell over. The winning amount of cups was 9. After 9, it got really wobbly and they fell over. They had so much fun trying to beat the winning stack! What a fun morning we are having in K-1 today!
In the afternoon, we did a directed draw where the kids learned how to draw the fish in the fishbowl from the Cat In The Hat. They did such a great job following the step-by-step directions and they loved the opportunity to add more detail to their picture when they were finished. I also had them write two or three sentences about their picture too. Their writing is amazing and they are doing such a great job incorporating the things that good writers do while writing. I am so impressed with their drawings and writings, WOW!!!!
The last part of our day was filled with learning how to write addition stories and ending with our playtime block. It sure was a fun "Wacky Wednesday!"