Today was such a fun day in K-1 and K-3! It was "Wacky Wednesday!" It was so much fun greeting all my kindergarten friends dressed in my "wacky" outfit and seeing how they would react. A lot of them said,"Mrs. Naughten...I didn't think that was you!" It was so funny! I also LOVED seeing all the creative "wacky" outfits they all came to school in too! Our classroom was full of smiles, giggles and fun today! In honor of "Wacky Wednesday," I read Dr. Seuss' book called Wacky Wednesday and both classes had so much fun looking at all the pages to find all the hidden things that were "wacky." They did such a great job finding all of them! Next, I gave them a "Wacky Wednesday" mini-book and I asked them to use their brave spelling to fill out the words that were missing on each page. They did a WONDERFUL job filling in the missing words with their "brave spelling!" I know this book was challenging and I loved all of my kindergarten friends' positive attitudes where they all worked hard to do their very best. I was so impressed! Way to go, K-1 and K-3! In the morning, we had a bit more time in our day so they made some "wacky" portraits during our indoor recess time. They had so much fun today! Thank you for helping your child with their "wacky" outfits today! They all looked so cute and they had so much FUN! Here are some pictures from our fun day:
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Emmy wanted to show me the cat detail her mom added to her costume. She took down her mask for a minute just so I could take a quick picture. Her face makeup was too cute! |