In math today, my kinders LOVED the challenge of learning how to do addition and subtraction on "froggie counters!" First we reviewed addition talking about all the symbols in addition and what they all mean and next we learned about subtraction. Today, they loved the challenge of learning both and had so much fun using the "froggie counter" to get a hands on experience to figuring out each addition and subtraction problem on their own. To help them with some added practice, we did a color by number addition and subtraction activity. They used their "froggie counters" to help them in finding the correct sum or difference of each problem and coloring their way to finding the hidden picture. I was so impressed with how wonderful they all did and I especially LOVED all the smiles as they worked on this activity! Way to go, K-1 and K-3! Here are some pictures of my friends during math today:
K-1 and K-3

Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Today in kindergarten, we have continued to review all those "tricky" 2D and 3D shapes in math. To help them solidify learning the names and what they looked like, I had them do two fun shape activities. For one of them, they needed to follow the color key at the top and color objects on the page the correct color of the 3D shape it resembled. They all did a FANTASTIC job! The other activity was a shape hunt. For this activity I asked them to find 2 things in the classroom that resembled a square, triangle, circle and rectangle. I asked them to draw the two things in the boxes for each shape. They had so much fun looking around the classroom to find things that resembled the 2D shapes. Way to go, K-1 and K-3! I think they are all becoming shape experts!
After math, we took a well-deserved "brain break" and they had fun playing with one another during indoor recess.
After recess, I got to meet with two more guided reading groups where I got to read a book with all of them to see how they are growing as readers and teach them some things good writers do. They did a wonderful job writing today and I was so impressed with how well they know their sight words! Wow! While I was meeting with reading groups, the rest of the class worked on two activities that helped them grow as readers and writers too. Before I met with my groups, I modeled how to do the activities to ensure they knew what I expected and how to do them successfully on their own. They did a great job doing the activities at their table spots while I met with my two groups! They are all well on their way to becoming confident readers and writers!
It was another fun-filled day in kindergarten and I am blown away each day with all the wonderful things they are learning and doing in my class!
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
In kindergarten today, we have continued working on learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. To help them in solidifying the names of the shapes and learning about them, we did the "Shape Hokey Pokey" and a mini-book called Shape Monster, Shape Monster, Munch, Munch, Munch! They had so much fun doing the hokey pokey with the wooden shapes and showing me what shape experts they all were when we did the mini-book together. I am so proud of how well they are learning the shapes and can describe how they are different from one another! Way to go, K-1 and K-3! We are having so much fun in kindergarten!
Friday, January 20, 2023
It's been a great week in kindergarten! We have been learning so much and I am so impressed with how quickly all my kinder friends are picking up all the new concepts we are learning!
In math this week, we began learning all about flat shapes (2D) and solid shapes (3D). I am amazed with how quickly they are learning the names of the shapes and how well they are able to describe them to me. I also love hearing how they can explain the differences among them too. To go along with all they are learning about shapes, we have been doing a lot of activities where they are getting to show me what they have learned. I am so impressed! Way to go, K-1 and K-3!
In handwriting, we have been working very hard on learning how to place words and sentences correctly on the lines. They have been doing a great job ensuring that when they are writing, they are writing nice and neat and writing the words correctly on the lines so they aren't floating. Their writing looks beautiful and I am so impressed!
This week has been really exciting for my kinders because I have also started guided reading groups this week. This is where I get to meet with all of my kindergarteners in a very small group and teach them reading strategies and help them grow individually as readers and writers. I LOVE this time I get to spend with all my kindergarteners and have the opportunity to help them flourish as readers!
Today in class, we read a book called Sneezy The Snowman which was about a snowman who had a cold. He tried many things to help him feel better but there was just one at the end that cured his bad cold. They LOVED hearing this story and chiming in on the repetitive part of it as we read it together. To go along with the story, I did a directed draw lesson with my kinders where I taught them how to draw a snowman. These activities are wonderful because they help my kinders with following directions. They did AMAZING and their snowmen turned out fantastic! They were so excited when they were done drawing, coloring and painting them. They are so excited to bring them home today to share them with you! Here are some pictures of the both classes making their snowman projects: