Today was such a fun day in K-1 and K-3! We learned all about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in honor of having the day off from school on Monday due to Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. We watched a Brainpop Jr. movie to learn all about him and why we have a "special' holiday in honor of him and all his hard work. To go along with all we learned, we made a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. TLC project. I am SO proud of what AMAZING listeners all my kindergarten friends were and their projects turned out absolutely amazing! Here are some pictures of both classes with their adorable Martin Luther King, Jr. projects and some making them in the classroom. Yes....they had to take some silly photos too! :)
After making our Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. projects, we had a well deserved brain break and had indoor recess. They all had so much fun playing in the classroom together!
For the last part of our day, we did some journaling in our January journals. I asked both classes to write about what their favorite holiday gift was. They did such a great job drawing, coloring and labeling their pictures. When their pictures were finished, I asked them to write a sentence or two about their picture. I was so impressed with their detailed pictures and how well they all did writing a sentence on their own using their "brave spelling!" Way to go, K-1 and K-3!
Have a great long weekend everyone!