In math today, I did a lesson with the class where we learned about how numbers are composed of smaller numbers. We practiced composing and decomposing numbers too. They loved doing math today and having the challenge of doing some extra activities in their math workbooks and on Seesaw to practice these concepts further. Both classes did a fantastic job!
In Jolly Phonics today, we learned all about the letter Zz and sound it makes. The motion for the letter Zz is to put your arms out at your sides as if you are a bee and say zzzzzzzzzzzzz. After we learned about this letter and the sound, my kindergarten friends got to practice writing the letter on their own and finding things that began with the letter Zz sound. They all did such a wonderful job! I am amazed how well they are learning their letters/sounds and transferring that knowledge into reading and writing words on their own. Great job, K-1 and K-3!
It was a fantastic day in kindergarten! I am looking forward to another fantastic day tomorrow!